Friday, December 18, 2020

Weekend Update December 18th

We had a special visitor for dismissal this week!

It is hard to believe that we already find ourselves to the middle of December.  No one was more disappointed than I to shift to remote instruction.  Although, I must celebrate the nearly 4 months of in person learning that we were able to accomplish.  This remote session will be short lived and will help to keep everyone safe.  I do so miss the children and the energy they bring to our school.  And, I sympathize with the parents who are trying to work with their children at "helping."  I have included a few pieces of information to support you during these remote learning days. 

Here is what to expect during remote learning!

Your child's teacher should have reached out with a schedule and expectations in preparation for remote instruction which will carry through Wednesday, December 23. We have been preparing for this transition and I am confident students and teachers are prepared for remote instruction. 

Students should have all materials needed, including their Chromebook and charger. If not, please contact the blue office for pick-up.

Both synchronous and asynchronous lessons and assignments will occur. The synchronous lesson times will closely mirror the classroom's in-person schedule for both math, ELA and specials. These synchronous lessons will be approximately 30 minutes each. 

Special Education Services:
Students will continue to receive services during this remote period. Their scheduled times will closely mirror their in-person schedule and times. 

Daily attendance will be taken as students attend their synchronous sessions for the day.  Please contact your child's teacher to discuss any concerns. 

Chromebook Assistance:
Please be sure to review the Parent's Guide To West Genesee Chromebooks for any help or support along the way.

Please review the Stonehedge Elementary Student Remote Learning Commitment
with your student(s). 

While my class is learning remotely, I will be...

1)   on time for zoom lessons, prepared, positive, and willing to participate.

2)   respectful and kind to others in the class, focused and ready to follow directions.

3)   sure to mute my microphone when joining my class and when someone else is speaking.

Remote Learning Class Expectations

A)  Login to Zoom, on time and prepared, at the start of each class every school day.

B)   Be visible in front of my Chrome Book camera dressed for school. (This means: sitting up straight at a table or desk, not wearing pajamas, not lying on the couch, or in bed, not eating during the lesson, etc.)

C)   Participate and engage every lesson by answering questions and joining discussions.

D)  Do your best work, complete assignments on time and ask questions.

E)   Remember your ABCs - Always Be Courteous!

Holiday Food Service Delivery Information:

In an effort to better assist our students with nutritional needs, we have modified our delivery schedule for the holidays as follows:

Meals for the week of December 28-January 1 (5 days)

Delivered on December 23, 2020

All orders must be made from the Remote Learners Bundles menu.  If you need any assistance, please contact us at

Coming Next Week:

Monday, December 21 - Wednesday, December 23 - K-12 Remote Instruction

Thursday, December 24 - Friday, January 1 - No School - Holiday Recess

From Our PTA:

Your help is needed!  Since there isn't a chorus, band, clubs and in school events there are going to be many empty pages in this year's yearbook.  Photos from all areas of the school are needed for the yearbook.   Walking by the Giving Tree with a student?  Snap a pic.  Students completed a cool art project?  Snap a picture.  Pictures will be accepted through March.  Send pictures or ideas on how to fill the pages to Loryn Petrik at

Calls For Commentary:

This year the Strategic Planning Committee is utilizing a 3-2-1 format to help inform the team as they look to re-launch some of the work that was begun last year. Lisa Craig and Steve Dunham, the Strategic Planning Facilitators, would appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out this form as your unique viewpoint and perspective regarding the District's next steps will be a huge help to the team. Here is the link. 

Around School:  Enjoy some pics of our interrupted spirit week! Character day, Blue and White Day, PJ day all blended together!

AND... Kara... What a character you were!

A special shout out to Mrs. Vecchio who made this kindergarten bulletin board.  We really are individually special and better together.  

The Holiday Drive Through was a success.  Families enjoyed treats and cocoa.  Students were able to see Frostie, several elves and the Big Guy himself.  Thank you to those who joined us. I truly hope this becomes an annual event at STE!

To all of our Stonehedge families, thank you.  I truly love being your K-2 Principal.  Warmest of wishes this holiday season...

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