Friday, April 17, 2020

Weekend Update April 17

Check this special video out Secret Life of Stonehedge Pets

Last week, I read Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers by Laura Numeroff.  Several students sent me ideas of activities animals do not do.  Jaden says "Cats don't play pianos." And, kindergarten student, Matthew thinks that squirrels wearing clothing would be pretty darn funny!  My dog, Rudy, would love to see a squirrel in clothing.  Rudy loves to watch and chase squirrels all day long.  As a twist, I saw a video this week of a grown man pretending to act like his dog.  He ran up to a fence and started yelling (barking) at people walking by "This is my house. You are walking near my yard.  This is my yard..."  Maybe, I'll email Laura Numeroff and suggest she write a book about people acting like their pets (People don't bark at the UPS man)! 

Distance Learning

I hope you have been able to get into the swing of things and have been able to establish a workable routine/schedule at home.  I am still working on getting into a good schedule with my children, but it is not easy and I am not sure we are there YET! We continue to receive positive feedback about assignments.  As a reminder, students should still visit the online portal at to access their library, PE, and P2 activities. I believe all issues with opening up the Positivity Project slides have been resolved. I know that some families continue to be a bit overwhelmed and that is understandable. We are in this together. Again, just do what you can do. Your best is good enough!

P2 Trait of the week

Appreciating beauty and excellence means that you take note and value the world’s beauty and people's skills. You identify and enjoy things that are admirable in the world. You might notice and appreciate a song, a sunset, architecture or someone's personality.  Appreciation of beauty gives joy and purpose.  This week... take a minute to jot down or reflect on the beauty around you.  Maybe we'll have a rainbow or a sunset.  Might you notice trees starting to bud?  Or will you laugh with a loved one who always shows you positivity, humor, and whit?  I am going to daydream of my camp in Hamilton, NY.  I can't wait to go there and appreciate the beautiful hills.

Virtual Spirit Week, #2

West Genesee will again be participating in a Virtual Spirit Week next week. Here is the flyer with more details. The week is as follows:

4/20   Movie Monday

4/21   Travel Tuesday
4/22   Warm-Up Wednesday
4/23   Thoughtful Thursday
4/24   Fresh Air Friday

Check out Mrs. Abbott's Stonehedge Shoutouts

Pictures from Around School

Kindergartener, Jase, learning all about butterflies.

Tyson and Reading Eggs

Readers and Writers at work!

Playdough Math

1st Grade Math Lesson!!!!

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