Monday, January 22, 2018

It was a WONDERful Winter WONDERland

It was a snowy winter night, a perfect setting for our fifth annual Winter "Wonder"land. Held last Thursday, it was a beautiful showcase of student artwork, research, and projects.

Since returning from winter break, the entire Blue side has been immersed in a world of project-based learning. Students were challenged to explore topics like penguins in kindergarten, the planets in first grade, and symbols of America in second grade.

They dove in and researched through books, great online resources, and videos. Field trips reinforced classroom learning and gave students hands-on, real world experiences. In the last blog, you saw pictures from the first grade trip to the MOST and the second grade virtual field trip about Symbols of America. This week kindergartners ventured to the zoo and saw penguins up close and personal. They enjoyed a unique classroom experience at the zoo while meeting several animals.


During the Winter "Wonder"land research and project phase, teachers, staff, and volunteers join forces and help students discover exciting new facts about their subject matter and create projects that showcase their learning.

The event drew a great crowd as students happily pulled their families through the classrooms to show off their hard work. Many interactive displays provided a fun photo and learning opportunity throughout the different rooms.

These students check out a bald eagle nest that second grade students made. 

Posing with a very famous Symbol of America, the Statue of Liberty.

These young ladies were exploring more about planet Mercury in first grade. 

First grade teacher Miss Munley welcomes parents in her classroom where they learned more about Venus. 

Stars in his eyes! This student couldn't wait to pose with the photo booth in Miss Kolis and Mrs. Colburn's room. 

Families could find student artwork lining the hallways and doors. 

A mural of the White House by second grade students. 

Penguin-themed artwork transformed the cafeteria into a penguin museum!

Some kindergarten friends made waddling penguins out of water bottles. 

Checking out some of the research books written by kindergarten students.

A special note to parents from a first grade classroom.

Thanks to all of our volunteers, our teachers, and staff for supporting this important project and making it as successful as it was!

Positively Persevering 

As we mentioned in the last blog post, we recently hosted two former Stonehedge students at our monthly Positivity Project assembly. Scotty Fura, a ninth grader at WGHS, and Molly McIntyre, a seventh grader at WGMS discussed the struggles they have experienced throughout their lives. It was an eye-opening assembly and gave current students a glimpse into the often times challenging lives of two former students. Their words spoke to the character traits perseverance as well as hope and optimism, all being studied this month through the P2 program.  

Molly addresses the group and shares stories of her daily life. 

Mrs. Barbuto helped to describe some of the adaptations that Molly uses to complete her schoolwork.
Scotty surprised the students by explaining that he plays football and baseball, wrestles, and is a volunteer fireman.

School Counselor Mrs. Sheehan, Scotty Fura, Physical Education Teacher Mrs. Barbuto, Molly McIntyre, and Principal Mrs. Keevil stand together after the assembly sporting their Choose Kind and Positivity Project t-shirts.


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