Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wondering About So Much!

Once again, Stonehedge Blue has been transformed into a winter "wonder"land of curiosity, research, and exploring. Our annual journey into project-based learning began this month with kindergarten friends waddling their way through some important facts about penguins. First grade students explored planets and space while second graders studied symbols of America in books and online research.

Teachers, staff, volunteers, and students rallied around ways to delve deep into their chosen subject matter. They searched for answers to what they were wondering.

"Does a penguin have legs?"

"What are stars made out of?"

"How many pets live at the White House?"

This week students began transforming all that research into some terrific projects that families are invited to view at the Winter "Wonder"land event on Thursday, February 16 from 6:30 - 7:30.

This first grader is reading a packet of information on planets.

In their happy spots, these first graders are diving into the world of Neptune facts.

Students are learning about researching with the help of educational websites like Pebble Go.

Second graders pour over written materials in their quest to answer their "wonder" questions.

Learning about America's most famous lady...these second graders discovered that when the Statue of Liberty was gifted to America, she was the color of a penny--made from copper.

The Liberty Bell has captured the attention of these second graders.

Mrs. Malbone reads a story about penguins to her kindergarten class.

This kindergartner figured out the secret to how penguins have to hold their eggs to keep them safe and warm!

These two budding kindergarten artists are drawing penguins.

You won't want to miss tonight's PTA meeting! Please join us at 6:30 in the Stonehedge library. It is the PTA's annual Founder's Day meeting where dedicated, amazing volunteers are recognized. This year,  Meera Corbin, Linda McManus, Leslie Petty and Paul Burtch, George Stoyan, Andrew Daeffler and the entire custodial staff will be honored for their tireless efforts for the benefit of PTA.

In addition to recognizing volunteers, speech pathologist and administrative intern Kara Lux, with teachers Stephanie Mathewson and Lynette Cunningham, will be presenting information about the "Growth Mindset". 

At the end of the last school year, the K-2 staff voted to explore the book Mindset by Carol Dweck, Ph.D for some of their professional development. Studying the book during faculty meetings, staff dove into the book and learned a great deal about the science of motivation, the value of meaningful feedback and the power of our words when we speak to our children in a school setting, at home and on the athletic fields. With effort, motivation, perseverance, and a variety of strategies and approaches, all of our students can achieve great things in school and in their other pursuits.

Please join us tonight for a brief overview about the incredible book that has captured our attention! 

The Class of 2030 is Welcoming Members!

Kindergarten Registration for the 2017-2018 school year will be held this year from January 3 to March 3 at the Central Registrar Office located at 300 Sanderson Drive, Camillus, NY 13031.

Prior to coming in to register, you will need to make an appointment by calling the Central Registrar at 315-487-4683. For more information, see the Central Registration webpage.

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