Sunshine and Syrup
Recently, on a beautiful sunny day, our first grade students were treated to a morning spent with local maple syrup expert "Mr. G". Groups headed outside to the beautiful row of maple trees behind the second grade wing to watch Mr. G demonstrate tapping a tree to get sap out. Upon returning to the classrooms, the students were shown how to boil down the sap and turn it into syrup.
Congratulations to Our HEDGE Award Winners
During this month's Character Education assembly, Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Colburn's first grade class discussed how a person feels when he or she is accepted. HEDGE awards were presented to students who demonstrated honesty and trust throughout the month prior.
First Grade Award Winners: Landon Albino, Delaney Burns, Ethan Casavant, Maggie Cohen, Addison Czarny, Lilyana Dantuono, Kodin Davis, Maeve Derbyshire, Amelia DiMeis, Joshua Dinis, Caleb Dominick, Andrew Dotzler, Makenna Dunham, Everleigh Falchi, Maria Froio, Jackson Gasparini, Carmela Giarrusso, Ella Greene, Rose Hennigan, Christian Hyde, Stone Kenna, Julie Martini, Damien McIntyre, Will Prior, Jada Seabrook, Matthew Tsvor
Second Grade Award Winners: Alex Bojarski, Nate Cammarata, Kyla Civello, Thomas Deemer, Adam
Edler, Kasson Emery, Nadia Farino, Anya Kohut, Landon Germinio, James Glassford, Liam Hayes, Eva
Lukacs, Marie Marono, Thomas McCarty, Madelyn Mignone, Evan Moscibrodzki, Amelia
Mossotti, Olivia O'Connor, Nicholas Meluni, Charlotte Ponto, Isabella Serrant, Elizabeth
Sherman, Christopher Shoults, Megan Steitz, Samantha Winton,Bryant Yackel, Timmy
CODE Program Concludes for the Year
The fourth and final CODE (Community Oriented Drug Education) presentation of the year was held last week. The age appropriate topics included: Kindergarten--What Police Officers Do, Physical and Emotional Safety, Self Esteem; Grade 1--Growing Healthy, Esteem Building, Celebrating Differences, "It's Okay to be Me"; Grade--2 Bullying, Not Being a Bystander, Problem Solving Skills, How to be a Good Friend. We thank Officer Brand and the Camillus Police Department and look forward to collaborating again in the Fall.
Second Grade Gets in the Spirit
Thanks to the Stonehedge PTA, second grade students enjoyed a little popcorn and a lot of school spirit during the second grade spirit day.
Budget Time Already: The District has completed and presented the 2017-2018 budget to the Board of Education. The package falls within the tax cap, preserves any incentives that might be available to homeowners, preserves programs, and adds mental health support for our middle school students and families. You can access the presentation and other budget information from our website by clicking here, Dr. Brown will be giving the presentation again on the following dates:
April 25 - 7:00 p.m. at the High School Large Group Instruction (LGI) Room
May 3 - Budget Public Hearing - 7:00 p.m. at the High School Library
Thank you for your continued support.
Save the Date! The Second Annual Hoops for 'Hedge event will be held on Thursday, April 6 at 6 p.m. at the high school lower gym.
- Watch coaches Dr. Brown and Mrs. Conboy lead two teams of teachers and staff from Stonehedge as they play a little basketball and have a lot of fun!
- Don't miss the 5th Grade Jump Rope club performance at half-time
- Fourth grade chorus will sing the National Anthem to kick-off the event.
- The best part? All proceeds benefit the Stonehedge PTA. Hope to see you there.
Important Dates to Remember:
April 6- Hoops for Hedge, 6 p.m., High School Lower Gym
April 14-21, No School, Spring Recess
April 25, PTA meeting, 6 p.m. High School Library Classroom
April 25 - Budget Presentation, 7:00 p.m. at the High School Large Group Instruction (LGI) Room
~ Lori