Friday, December 16, 2011

Compassion and Kindness
One kind action is better than a thousand kind thoughts. Compassion for others is a character trait that makes better people and makes the world a better place to be. The kind and compassionate children and staff of Stonehedge did many things this month to make us proud. The Giving Tree boxes were overflowing with toys, games and books for children of all ages. PTA members distributed these gifts to the Samaritan Center and Holiday for Hope, an event sponsored by The Forsaken Generation. Teachers led the way by having their students write letters, draw pictures or make cards for residents of St. Camillus Health and Rehabilitation Center as well as for soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. Shh…they also made special gifts with their own little hands for parents and grandparents to show how much they care.Thank you to all who in some way took action this holiday season!

In Alphabetical order: Adriana Barbuto, Ricky Buza, Declan Keller, Hannah Mazzoni, Jakob Sidelinger

Pack Your Suitcase

First grade children have been extremely busy adding stamps to their pretend passports as they travel around the world learning about holiday traditions. Rather large paper suitcases display souvenirs from each country visited.  Be sure to ask your first grader what they have learned on their travels. (Pictured at right in alphabetical order: Sawyer McAloon, Julia Quinn, Emilie Shoults.)

In Alphabetical order: Oleg Grebenevich, Taryn Mann, Ella Thome
 Musical Wonderland

Yesterday morning, the primary children attended the 4th/5th grade Winter Concert. They listened to performances by the Stonehedge orchestra, band and chorus. These groups performed a variety of pieces, including some holiday favorites that many sang along to. Thank you to these musical groups for performing for us and sprinkling on some holiday spirit!   

At this time I would like to wish you all the best this holiday

season. I hope the pace of life slows down enough for you to

catch your breath and enjoy family and friends. 

                                                                                                  Lori Keevil

Check out the Stonehedge PTA Facebook page by clicking here.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November Character Education Assembly

This month’s character education trait is Thankfulness. Children from all second grade classes worked together to prepare a brief presentation on all that they have to be thankful for. Students in the audience were given time to focus their thoughts on the many reasons for being thankful.  Here at Stonehedge we are thankful for…
  • the strong sense of community and sense of pride that is apparent at Stonehedge.
  • the many parents who volunteer at school or offer their support through the many enriching PTA events.
  • the dedicated and talented teachers and support staff that continuously strive to create a learning environment in which our children will flourish.
  • the staff at Stonehedge – the office staff, the school nurse, the custodial staff, the kitchen staff, teacher assistants, and aides – for their contributions to our learning community.
  • the students who show respect for each other and come to school each day striving to achieve their personal best.
Stonehedge is certainly a great place to be!

Hedge Awards
Congratulation to our October Hedge Award Recipients!  The students pictured are being recognized for exhibiting exemplar behaviors for the character trait – Respect. (The students pictured at left are from first grade; at right are from second grade.)
Game Night
The first Game Night of the year is scheduled for Thursday, November 17. We invite all kindergarten and first grade students and their families to join us from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in the Stonehedge gym. It is a nice opportunity for you to meet other Stonehedge families while enjoying an evening of fun with your children.  Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blog Update: Fire Safety Week / Halloween

Fire Safety Week

Students last week attended a fire safety presentation by Firefighters Unz and Mazzoni, both members of the Fairmount Volunteer Fire Department. Students learned how to stay safe in the event of a house fire.  “Stay low and go” was explained as a way to avoid rising smoke in a burning house. “Stop, drop and roll” was also reviewed in case a person should catch on fire. Firefighter Mazzoni explained how his gear works and students were able to get up close and actually hear what his breathing sounded like through his oxygen mask. 

Children in grades K-2 then had the opportunity to learn about the fire truck with Firefighter Jake Carlson. You can imagine the excitement from the children as they were able to sit in the cab of the fire truck and view all the gadgets found inside of this vehicle. Of course the siren and lights were also a big hit! Our physical education staff carried the instruction even further into games that practiced “stay low and go” and “stop, drop and roll”.  Classroom teachers reviewed fire safety information all week long. Thank you to our PTA for organizing and sponsoring this experience.


On Monday, October 31 we will hold our annual Halloween Parade. The parade will kick off at 1:45 p.m. with our primary children. 

We have altered the parade route slightly from previous years in order to ensure that parents will be able to capture that precious glimpse of all the princesses, ghosts, and goblins. We will parade down the side walk, through the bus circle, back down the sidewalks and into one of the GOLD side doors.  It will allow us to spread out across a greater distance. 

There is no need to sign in for parade viewing. We do ask that if you intend to dress for Halloween that you do not wear a mask or carry toy swords etc. as this will likely frighten our youngest students. In the case of inclement weather, the parade will be cancelled. It will not be held inside. Let’s hope the sun shines and that doesn’t even become a concern! 

Parents who have signed up to assist in the classroom will need to follow sign in procedures and check in with the main office upon your arrival. I encourage children to ride the bus home after the party and follow normal dismissal procedures. If you do need to sign out your child for an appointment or any other reason, please send in a note and sign your child out of the GOLD cafeteria as usual. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call your child’s teacher or the main office.  I look forward to seeing you all there!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What an awesome start to the 2011-2012 school year!

What an awesome start to the 2011-2012 school year!  Students are adjusting well to the daily schedule.  Our kindergarten students are learning what school is all about.  One of our kindergarten students did share with me last Friday that he was tired and in need of a day off.  Luckily Saturday was just around the corner!

The front door to the building will now be locked after 9:15 a.m. and will then be unlocked for dismissal at 3:05 p.m.  An intercom security system has been installed in all elementary buildings. A buzzer is located to the right of the front door and must be utilized for entrance into the building. Mrs.Conboy or Mrs. Kasouf will unlock the door and let you in.  As in the past, all visitors must report to the main office.
Our dismissal process remains the same as last year. Please send in a note if your child’s transportation plans need to change on any given day.  Also, a note is needed in the morning if you will be picking up your child in the GOLD Cafeteria at dismissal.  A permanent note may be written if you will be picking up your child every day.  

I hope to see you soon!
Open House for all of Stonehedge students will be this Wednesday, September 14. Parking will be available around the Stonehedge and West Genesee Middle School grounds. Beginning at 6:00 p.m., a shuttle will provide frequent trips from the West Genesee High School parking lot located near the Transportation Department.

K-2 presentations will be as follows:
6:30 - 6:55 Morning Kindergarten, Grade 1 and BOCES
7:00 - 7:25 Afternoon Kindergarten and Grade 2

Mrs. Keevil
Stonehedge Blue Principal

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of the summer season.  You know when there is talk of the New York State Fair that the start of school is just around the corner! 

Please be on the look out for our annual August school mailing. You will find many tidbits of information that you will need to prepare for the opening of the 2011-2012 school year. Verify parent emergency contact information and return that pink paper \ with your child on the first day of school. If busing information is incorrect, contact the main office immediately at 487-4633 so that adjustments can be made prior to the first day of school.  

Kindergarten Orientation will be held this Thursday, August 25.  Notices have been mailed with specific times for each kindergarten session. This is an awesome day for our newest members of our Stonehedge family.

Visit your Classroom has been set for September 6, 4:30-5:30.  Feel free to visit the school to locate your child’s classroom.  If you wish to bring new school supplies students may leave them in their locker as many teachers will not be here for this event.  I hope to see you there!

Sign-Up to Receive Electronic Newsletters and Other Direct Communications School News Notifier (SNN) is an opt-in alert system where parents can sign up to receive text alerts about school closings, delays, and other time-sensitive emergencies; and e-mail notices about school programs and district news. Parents and community members can choose to receive any or all of the alerts, and they can unsubscribe at any time. This is INCREDIBLE! I highly recommend signing up for this communication tool at:

It’s also time for students to start establishing that school routine.  Reading each night, reviewing sight words and math facts, and  revisiting that earlier bedtime would be a good idea in preparation for the first day of school.

I am excited to start the school year and look forward to seeing many of you at one or all of the upcoming events.

Mrs. Keevil
Stonehedge Principal
Grades K-2